CAPA HR Lunch Series
PA Dept of Labor & Industry, Office of UC Service Centers, Workforce Development Coordinator
Separation Issues
Our seminar will explain the process the UC Service Center follows when investigating and issuing determinations relating to quits and discharges, including:
· What are the steps taken in the fact-finding process?
· How is a ruling issued without fact-finding information from a party?
· What factors determine if a separation is a quit or a discharge?
· What determines burden of proof?
· How are certain exceptions under the federal Trade Readjustment Act factored into determinations?
· What additional steps are available if there is a disagreement with the determination?
Date and Time
Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
11:45 AM - 1:00 PM EST
Wed. November 13
NEW Chamber Offices
801 S. Hanover Street
Carlisle, PA 17013
Members - $20
Nonmembers - $40