Non-profit Organizations
24 hours - 7 days
Driving Directions:
Located on the corner of High and Pitt Streets, one block off of the main town square in the center of Carlisle.
About Us
Safe Harbour is a not-for-profit organization that provides a continuum of housing services for the homeless and nearly homeless and families. Safe Harbour is governed by an independent Board of Directors and derives its financial support from individuals, organizations, churches, fees paid by residents, commercial and residential rents, investments, foundations, federal and state grants, as well as the United Way.
- Provides emergency shelter for families and single women who are in desperate need of a secure living space.
- Long term emergency program provides individuals & families longer-term help to acquire skills for independent living
- Our single-room-occupancy facilities offer residents a chance to live independently while recieving "life support".
Rep/Contact Info
Ms. Barrie Ann George
Vice President of Development & Communication
- Phone: (717) 249-2200
- Send an Email
- 102 W. High St. Carlisle PA 17013-2973