Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 4:30 PM
Driving Directions:
The Sentinel is conveniently located off I-81 Exit 49 (High Street). From W. High St., turn right on N. College St., then left on B St. Our office will be immediately on your right.
About Us
The Sentinel is a member of the Greater Carlisle and Mechanicsburg Chambers of Commerce, as well as being a Founders level member of the Cumberland Valley Alliance.
The Sentinel print edition features a circulation of approximately 6,000 and publishes Monday through Saturday.
The Sentinel’s website, www.cumberlink.com, delivers around-the-clock information with the help of robust Facebook and Twitter pages. The website alone reaches approximately 400,000 unique visitors who visit about 2 million pages each month.
The Sentinel is proud to be Carlisle and Cumberland County’s local newspaper and online resource for news, sports and advertising. In the past years, The Sentinel has won multiple awards from the Pennsylvania Newspaper Association and the Pennsylvania Associated Press Managing Editors for its news coverage.
As a community leader, The Sentinel takes its role seriously as a key employer, communication and education leader for Cumberland County and supporter of environmental endeavors to keep our community green and clean.