Please join Miguel from Capital Area Transit and Cher with Commuter Services of PA as they talk Transportation Solutions for Your Workforce. During this session, you will make connections with regional transportation contacts, while learning what transportation solutions are available for YOUR workforce. Find out where employees can immediately access free resources, as well as how YOU can be involved in future conversations to improve local transit. RSVP to ensure you are part of transit enhancements coming to the Carlisle area!
Cher Comp, an Elizabethtown College graduate, is an Outreach Manager for Commuter Services of Pennsylvania. Over the course of 14 years, Cher has established commuter assistance programs to alleviate Pennsylvania?s growing congestion and air quality problems. Through regular marketing and events, Commuter Services promotes public transportation, ridesharing, bicycling, walking, and telecommuting in an effort to forward the program?s primary goal of reducing single-occupant vehicles
Details about our presenters:
Miguel Acri-Rodriguez, a Shippensburg University graduate, is the Business Development & Customer Service Manager for Capital Area Transit. This April will be his 4th year working in public transportation! Miguel manages the authority?s community relations activities, develops and maintains community partnerships, and supports community events. In addition to working with CAT, Miguel assists rabbittransit in the York region.
Carlisle Area HR Group - Transportati...
Date and Time
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EST
Wed. March 10
Zoom - A link will be sent to you following registration
Free for Members