Where can we find trustworthy news? What is credible on social media? How do I know whether this photo or that video is real? Join us on Thursday, September 26 from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm as Michael Schroeder, Professor Emeritus of History at Lebanon Valley College, will offer guidance on how to acquire and practice information literacy, an essential skill for responsible citizens in today's dizzying media ecology.
Michael J. Schroeder is Professor Emeritus of History at Lebanon Valley College in Annville PA, where his teaching has focused on the Atlantic World since ca. 1500, especially Latin America and the United States since the Age of Revolution. A social, cultural, and political historian whose research focuses on twentieth-century Nicaragua, he is co-author of the widely used college textbook The Twentieth Century and Beyond (McGraw-Hill, 2007) and author of numerous scholarly articles and chapters in his area of expertise. He is also author and administrator of an expansive digital historical archive on Nicaraguan history during the period of U.S. military intervention in the 1920s and 1930s (at www.SandinoRebellion.com). A member of the Nicaraguan Academy of Geography and History (Academia de Geografía e Historia de Nicaragua), he is also intimately involved in community work in the Lebanon Valley relating to watershed issues, the anti-fracking movement, racial justice, and historic preservation.
Register here: https://cutt.ly/SedDe164
Date and Time
Thursday Sep 26, 2024
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM EDT
Thursday, September 26
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Bosler Library