Responsive Fundraising offers a new approach to fundraising for professionals looking to advance their careers.
What is Responsive Fundraising? Well, Ann Criswell, CFRE is going to lead the discussion that will include the following topics and issues below:
- First and foremost, we want to ensure that organizational leaders share a common understanding of highly effective fundraising practices. This means aligning the board, volunteers, and leadership team with an understanding of their roles and responsibilities in fundraising, where and how they can make the greatest contributions, and where they can complement the strengths of others.
- Next, in order to increase fundraising capacity, we want to ensure that organizational leaders are able to discern between trivial, meaningful, and significant levels of giving. We believe an organization’s fundraising philosophy should be informed by a commitment to fewer donors, more meaningful engagement, and direct solicitation. These three deliberate practices are the foundation of a highly effective, successful fundraising program.
- Finally, we want to ensure an organization’s ability to develop and retain high capacity fundraising talent. This begins with understanding the type of individual that will best serve in this role, clearly articulating their goals and objectives, and providing consistent and constructive feedback.
Non Profit Round Table - Responsive F...
Date and Time
Thursday Mar 4, 2021
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EST
A zoom link will be sent you to following registration
Free for Members