Infrastructure and transportation are the backbone of what keeps our communities thriving. We encourage you to register for this important Transportation Summit to discuss our communities transportation concerns, plans, and proposals.
One of the issues that will be discussed is the proposal to toll the I-83 bridge. Recently, the Public Private Partnership board brought forward a proposal to electronically toll 8 PA bridges, one of them being the I-83 bridge in Harrisburg that connects the East and West shores of the Susquehanna River. The toll is to aid PennDOT to collect more money (besides the state's gas tax) to cover the expense of repairing Pennsylvania's roads and bridges. The proposed bridge toll would be either $1-$2 each way. The project is slated to start in 2023.
Mike Keiser, District Executive for Engineer District 8-0 of which we are in, will be leading the discussion.
We are also want to thank our partners with this program: CAEDC and the other chamber’s in our area. We want to thank HRG, Inc. for sponsoring this very important webinar!
Date and Time
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM EDT
March 30 from 9 am until 10 am.
Free for ALL